Apr 28, 2022
This week we’re joined by Travis Norvell, Minister at Judson Memorial Baptist Church in Minneapolis to talk about his book Church on the Move. We talk about transforming church parking lots, creating bike commute reports for local radio, and how church has changed after the advent of the automobile.
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Apr 26, 2022
This week we're talking about smart homes, the metaverse, and kids running errands in Japan! We also chat indoor air quality and teen brains on driving.
Smart home company disappears - Ars Technica
How governments can use the metaverse - American City and County
Thinking indoor air quality - GQ
Americans believe suburbs...
Apr 21, 2022
This week we’re joined by Frank Markowitz and Leni Schwendinger to talk about the new book Outdoor Lighting for Pedestrians. We chat about creating legible nighttime spaces, what planners should focus on when programming lighted spaces, and the future of lighting and transportation.
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Apr 14, 2022
This week we're joined by Jenny Schuetz, a senior fellow at Brookings Metro to talk about her new book Fixer Upper. We chat about making housing decisions at the wrong scale, where housing reform would make the most sense around the United States, and how we could use MPOs to better organize regional housing.
Apr 7, 2022
This week we’re featuring a 1 to 1 conversation produced in partnership with Railvolution between Aidil Ortiz, Principal at Aidilisms and Mary Kate Morookian, a transit planner at Kimley Horn. Aidil and Mary Kate discuss the Durham Transit Plan and how they approached public engagement while centering the community...