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Talking Headways: A Streetsblog Podcast

The Talking Headways podcast is a weekly podcast about transportation and urban design.

May 21, 2019

Chrissy Mancini Nichols joins the show again and we chat a lot about SB50! We also talk about infrastructure and bike lanes.


SB 50

Tabled until January - Los Angeles Times

SB50 Urban Footprint Analysis - UF

Kim-Mai Cutler tweet thread - KMC Twitter

Infrastructure Week

PIRG releases report - Frontier Group

Repair Priorities - T4America

Odds and Ends

CA HSR Funding Dropped by FRA- Reuters

IM Pei passes away - NPR

Facial recognition banned in SF - Vox

Thanks to our Patreon supporters!

Story of the Week

Bike lanes need barriers not just paint - Curbed

Puppies and Butterflies

Tram Bowling - Wired Magazine