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Talking Headways: A Streetsblog Podcast

The Talking Headways podcast is a weekly podcast about transportation and urban design.

Jul 27, 2016

This week on the podcast I’m bringing back a conversation I had in Cambridge England with Daniele Quercia and Luca Aiello of Bell Labs.  This focus recently has been on data mining and aggregation which has led to sensory mapping<> in cities.  With this information they have been able to map smell, sound, and how...

Jul 14, 2016

This week we’re joined by David Sachs of Streetsblog Denver. David talks about the amazing advocacy landscape in the city as well as a number of specific projects and initiatives that are happening in the city from the controversial widening of I-70 to the possibility of a new transportation department and...

Jul 7, 2016

This week we're joined by Paul Mackie of Mobility Lab, to talk about transportation demand management (TDM) and mobility in cities. We discuss how cities are not prepared for new mobility and the need to share data and plan for different...