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Talking Headways: A Streetsblog Podcast

The Talking Headways podcast is a weekly podcast about transportation and urban design.

Jan 29, 2019

This week Anna and I talk about Uber and Lyft taking share away from transit, congestion pricing in LA, and Viadoom!


Shutdown ends after La Guardia suspends flights - NPR

Corporate money and affordable housing - Curbed

Mayors want incentives, just not for other mayors - Next City

Visit this week's sponsor, moovel.

Story of the Week

Uber and Lyft cause transit decline - Streetsblog USA

LA Considers Congestion Pricing - Los Angeles Times

Spotlight New Mobility

Viadoom just never happened - Seattle Times

Puppies and Butterflies

Quote of the week - Yes Magazine

Wedding registries turn to down payments - CityLab